
Dowling Spikes River to Double via Geleziunas

Chris Dowling was all-in for 37,000 and at risk versus Tomas Geleziunas.

Chris Dowling: 4s4h
Tomas Geleziunas: KdQd


Dowling was ahead in a race, but was already up out of his chair on the turn after the board came AhKcQs8c, giving Geleziunas two pair and leaving Dowling with two outs.


The extra out of your seat equity worked a charm however, as the 4d rolled off on the river to send Dowling the double-up with a set of fours, much to the amusement of the rest of the table.


Chris Dowling – 81,500 (27 bb)
Tomas Geleziunas – 255,000 (85 bb)