
Current Standings

Day 1A took place on Thursday evening with 49 players taking to the tables and 5 players successfully bagging up a Day 2 stack. Kyle Rafferty emerged as chipleader with 573,000 chips, closely followed by Paul Dominican with 503,000.


Day 1B took place earlier this afternoon with 12 players battling it out with just one lucky player, Ubartus Arnas, bringing his 373,000 chip stack into Day 2.


Current Qualifiers 6/61

Kyle Rafferty – 573,000

Paul Dominican – 503,000

Ubartus Arnas – 372,000

Paul Davis – 278,000

Adam Ellis – 109,000

Peter Burnett – 109,000


Our starting stack for this event is 30,000 chips, with 3,000 early bird for all players who make it for Level 1.