Poker Lens
Pokerlens is the newest registration technology to hit the poker industry and has been welcomed with open arms. PokerLens enables you to set up a profile in advance which is then linked to the long-established registration system KHold’em. All you have to do when you arrive at the event is show your unique profile QR code to get registered. PokerLens aims to massively reduce waiting times at reg desks and help cash game players find a table – playing the variant and stakes they want – without having to queue.
Step 2
Create and save
your player profile
Select your preferred login method
Fill in your details
Click ‘Confirm’
Step 3
In the Poker Room
Listing Choose ‘JP Poker’
Select JP Poker
Step 4
Choose Trophy Icon and
select 1st Tournament
Select the Trophy icon on the top bar
Step 5
Click Register Now
Click on ‘Register Now’
Click on the Declaration box and click ‘Submit’
Do I have to have a PokerLens account to play poker at the club?
Yes, all players who wish to play poker at the club must firstly register a PokerLens account, which will generate a QR code on the app that players can scan to enter the tournament or reserve their seat in a cash game.
What happens if I forget to bring my phone to the club or my phone battery dies?
Registration staff will be able to manually register players in these circumstances.
If I already registered a PokerLens account at the Irish Open, will this account work in your club?
Yes, one PokerLens account is all you need to register for tournaments at many different venues and festivals.
Can I access PokerLens from my laptop?
Yes - you can click access the PokerLens website by copying the following link into your search bar: https://www.pokerlens.net/en/venues